Music production is to me one of the most beautiful collaborations between art and technology. Because of advancements in recording, digital sound processing and synthesis, we are able to take our musical tradition to a different sonic level. We are no longer limited by physical instruments and real spaces. We are free to explore ideas and possibilities only confined by the limits of our imagination.
No Tenim Por - We Are Not Afraid
No Tenim Por is a song I hope will lose its purpose one day. After the terrorist attacks in Barcelona on August 17th, 2017 a friend and I wrote this song in Catalan to pay tribute to the victims and their families and friends. Because we wanted the sound itself to also express what we needed to say, I arranged and produced the song recording more than thirty musicians coming from all over the world. The introduction is an adaptation of "El Cant Dels Ocells", a Catalan peace song, played by a gralla, the traditional instrument from the region. No Tenim Por wants to send a universal message of hope, unity, and strength.
After sampling broken instruments belonging to the School District of Philadelphia, Symphony for a Broken Orchestra created a database of the sounds and opened a remix contest for producers to create tracks using exclusively those sounds. Kintsugi was one of the winner tracks and the album it will be featured on will help raise money to repair those instruments and return them to public schools throughout Philadelphia.
About Kintsugi (きんつぎ): "Kintsugi is the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery with lacquer dusted or mixed with powdered gold, silver, or platinum. It treats breakage and repair as part of the history of an object, rather than something to disguise.” With this track, I wanted to show the beauty and potential for transformation behind brokenness by drawing inspiration from Japanese music and traditions.